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Soldiers awarded for winning firing match at Fort Benning, Georgia on 8 July 1944
1311. '8 July 44 Ecklund. Lt. Col. Sidney C. Wooten, Regt. Commander, 5th Inf. 71 Div. awards S/Sgt Johns Goens, Co. 'M...
Soldiers awarded for winning firing match at Fort Benning, Georgia on 8 July 1944
1312. '8 July 44 Ecklund. Lt. Col. Sidney C. Wooten, regimental Commander, 5th Infantry Regiment, 71 Division,...
Major talking to officers during training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 July 1944
1329. '6 July 44 Von Stroheim. Major Glenn R. Richtine of 3rd Student Training Regiment, TIS talking and giving...
Instructor explaining Artillery Wire System to students at Fort Benning, Georgia on 7 July 1944
1349. '7 July 44. Griggs. Instructor Capt. N. Warren Jr. explaining Artillery Wire System to students of the...
Regimental Communication Platoon lined up to give demonstration at Fort Benning, Georgia on 7 July 1944
1371. '7 July 44. Griggs. Regimental Communication Platoon of the 1st Demonstration Regiment 4th Infantry lined up to...
Recent graduates of the infantry school at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1405. '11 July 44. A. Emanuel. 2nd Lt. Ralph W. Eister, 2nd Lt. Myron J. Paszkowsky, 2nd Lt. Walter M. Henry, Ohio...
Officers standing outside infantry school headquarters at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1434. '11 July 44. A. Emanuel. 1st Lt. Charles G. Ames, 2nd Lt. Richard E. Etter, 1st Lt. Robert L. Schefferly, members...
Officers outside of headquarters at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1415. '12 July 44. Bradlor. Left to right: Tech Sgt. Charles E. Kelly; Lt. Ernest Childers; Colonel F. Passailaigue,...
Graduates of the infantry school at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1435. '11 July 44. A. Emanuel. 2nd Lt. Myron J. Peszkowsky, Cleveland, Ohio, 2nd Lt. Walter M. Henry, Alliance, Ohio,...
Captain congratulating 50,000th officer candidate at Fort Benning, Georgia on 14 September 1944
1607. '14 Sept. 44. Cherry. Capt. Joseph K. O'Leary congratulating the 50,000th O.C.S. candidate, Angus J. McIntosh at...
Tech sergeant painting sign at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 September 1944
1637. '12 Sept 44. Paik. T/5 George S. Rossi, sign painter at 4th HQ. Special Troops, 2nd Army, Fort Benning, Ga. 168-L...