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United States Army soldiers present arms during memorial services, Italy, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldiers present arms as the national anthem is played during memorial services for...
US Secretary of War passes troops at the Tarquinia airport, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US Secretary of War, in a jeep, passes troops standing at attention at the Tarquinia airport. Official...
US Secretary of War is driven past saluting troops, Cecina, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US Secretary of War is driven past saluting troops. Official caption on reverse: "6 July 1944 MM-5-44-7467...
US Secretary of War is driven past saluting troops, Cecina, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US Secretary of War is driven past saluting troops. Official caption on reverse: "6 July 1944 MM-5-44-7466...
US Secretary of War Stimson drives by saluting troops in a jeep, Cecina, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US Secretary of War Stimson drives by saluting troops in a jeep. Official caption on reverse: "6 July 1944...
US Secretary of War Stimson drives by saluting troops in a jeep near Colle Mezzano, Livorno, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US Secretary of War Stimson drives by saluting troops in a jeep. Official caption on reverse: "6 July 1944...
US Secretary of War passes saluting troops, Cecina, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US Secretary of War passes by saluting troops in a jeep. Official caption on reverse: "6 July 1944 MM-5-44-...
Crown Prince Umberto of Italy with Lt. Gen. Clark and Brig. Gen. Hume in Italy in January 1945
180.Photograph. '16 Jan 45. CG-24/15/MM-45-50046. Florence, Italy. (L-R) Crown Prince Umberto of Italy; Lt. General...
King George of England, Lt. Gen. Mark Clark and General Sir Harold Alexander in a jeep in Italy in July 1944
265.Photograph. '28 July 44. C.G. 1343. Fifth Army, Cecina Area, Italy. Reviewing English and American troops which...
Gen. Charles De Gaulle salutes honor guard near Venafro, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Gen. Charles De Gaulle salutes honor guard. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-2621." Official caption on...
King George of England, Lt. Gen. Mark Clark and General Sir Harold Alexander in a jeep in Italy in July 1944
267.Photograph. '28 July 44. C.G. 1344. Fifth Army, Cecina Area, Italy. Reviewing English and American troops which...
President Franklin Roosevelt salutes a passing color guard in Castelvetrano, Sicily, Italy, 1943
Photograph. President Franklin Roosevelt salutes a passing color guard. Written caption on reverse: "MM-WALL-43-5254."...
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