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Troops use engineer boats to gain beachhead on south bank of Pasig River, Manila in the Philippines on 23 February 1945
"Troops use engineer boats to gain beachhead on south bank of Pasig River, Manila." 23 February 1945
US Army tank unit crossing a bridge over the Maitan River, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. United States Army tanks and soldiers crossing a bridge over Maitan River previously destroyed by Japanese...
Phone wire is carried across a river on a raft near Appari, Ballesteros in the Philippines in 1945
"Phone wire carried across river on raft near Appari, Luzon." [1945]
Fire burns across Pasig River where heavy fighting occurred on 14 February 1945
"Fire burns across Pasig River where heavy fighting occurred." 14 February 1945
Filipino refugees walking across a pontoon bridge over the Pasig River, Manila
Photograph. Filipino refugees crossing the Pasig River on an American-built pontoon bridge. Official caption on front...
A convoy fords a river to cut off the escape of the retreating Japanese army near Santa Cruz, Luzon in the Philippines in 1945
"Convoy fords river to cut off escape of retreating Jap Army near Santa Cruz, Luzon. [1945]
Dozens of Filipina women wash clothes in a river in the Philippines in 1944
Dozens of Filipina women wash clothes in a river. "Troops advance along river edge while Filipino women wash clothes...
War-damaged buildings along the Pasig River, Manila
Photograph. War-damaged buildings along the Pasig River; a column of smoke is rising in the background. Official...
Gun crew rams home projectile of a 155 mm Howitzer close to the Ambayabang River near Nueva Vizcaya in the Philippines in February 1945
"Gun crew rams home projectile of 155 mm Howitzer near Ambayabang River.
32nd Division troops cross the Orboredo River near Naguilian in the Philippines on 25 February 1945
"32nd Div troops cross the Orboredo River." 25 February 1945
War-damaged Manila, Philippines
Photograph, aerial. War-damaged cityscape and bridge along the Pasig River. Official caption on front: "Wrecked Quezon...
A halftrack is ferried across the Pampanga River on rubber pontoons near Calumpit, Luzon in the Philippines on 2 February 1945
"Halftrack ferried across Pampanga River on rubber pontoons near Calumpit, Luzon." 2 February 1945
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