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European Theater of Operations (ETO) (5)
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The exterior of a train station in Andermatt, Switzerland circa 1945
The exterior of a "train station, Andermatt, Switzerland." Andermatt, Switzerland. Circa 1945
Snow-covered railroad station in Filisur, Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Snow-covered railroad station for the train from Chur to Saint Moritz, Switzerland; mountains in the background. "Chur...
Railroad station in snow-covered Saint Moritz, Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Railroad station, with clock tower, in snow-covered Saint Moritz, Switzerland; mountains in the background. "R.R. [...
Entrance to Zurich's main railroad station in Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Entrance to Zürich Hauptbahnhof/Zürich HB (Zurich Central Railroad Station); civilians in front. "Main RR [railroad]...
Railroad platform, Switzerland
Photograph. Railroad platform with baggage carts on one side and civilians sitting on a bench on the other side. A...
Alfred Escher memorial fountain, Switzerland
Photograph. Alfred Escher memorial fountain in front of the entrance to Main Railway Station; civilians are entering...
Kleine Scheidegg railway station, Switzerland
Photograph. Trains parked in front of Kleine Scheidegg railway station. Personal caption on reverse: "Station Kleine...
Nine Italian refugees seated in the train station, Chiasso, Switzerland, 1945
Photograph. A family of nine Italian refugees, including three young children, wait inside of a train station. "A...
Italian refugees, a small girl and an infant, at train station, Chiasso, Switzerland, 1945
Photograph. Italian refugees, a small girl and an infant, with belongings at train station at the Swiss/Italian border...
Major Philip D. Vitielol working checkpoint at train station, Switzerland, 1945
Photograph. American lawyer working checkpoint at train station for refugees crossing Swiss/Italian border. Official...
Swiss children and civilian women at train station in Davos, Switzerland in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Swiss children and civilian women at train station in Switzerland. Swiss rail stop children greeting. From...
Train station in Saint Moritz, Switzerland circa 1945
Modern train station in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Saint Moritz, Switzerland. Circa 1945
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