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Officers at Camp San Louis Obispo on 24 March 1944
703. Group portrait of officers. '3-24-44. Thompson. Group Shot of 210 ORD CO Officers (4) at 210 Ord Co Area Camp S.L....
Three American servicemen from the 593rd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, 1944
Photograph. Three uniformed servicemen from the 593rd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment of the 3rd Engineer Special...
WAVES officers possibly in San Francisco, California in 1945
Officers in the WAVES wearing blue uniforms, one wearing officer's garrison camp; looking over documentation in a...
First Lieutenant Robert C. Galloway and ten other U.S. airmen, California, June 1948
Photograph. First Lieutenant Robert C. Galloway and ten other U.S. Airmen pose together in front of an aircraft....
WAVES officer reading orders possibly in San Francisco, California in 1945
Officer Burke in the WAVES wearing blue uniform with officer's garrison camp; she is reading from military orders she...
US servicemen breaking for mess during training exercises in California
Slide. US servicemen breaking for mess during training exercises in forest, being served from back of truck. From box...
WAVES officers and U.S. Naval officer possibly in San Francisco, California in 1945
Officers in the WAVES wearing blue uniforms, standing with male naval officer also in blue dress uniform. Probably...
WAVES officers, possibly in San Francisco, California in 1945.
Officers in the WAVES wearing blue uniforms, one wearing officer's garrison camp; looking over documentation in a...
Patano stands outside in his uniform, California
Photograph. Patano wears a uniform and stands in front of a large palm tree. Personal caption on photo reverse: "The...
General Patton and Lieutenant General Doolittle, Los Angeles, California, 9 June 1945
Photograph. U.S. General George Patton walking with Lieutenant General James H. Doolittle; airplane in background....
Serviceman standing for picture outdoors in San Diego, California, August 1944
Photograph. Serviceman in khaki service uniform standing for picture outdoors. Personal caption: "Francis A. [illegible...
U.S. Marines, San Diego, California, 16 October 1946
Photograph. Two uniformed U.S. Marines standoutdoors in front of a grove of young trees. Military facility buildings in...
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