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Co B 710th Tank Bn. Tank convoy returning from Camp Cook, Calif. to Camp San Luis Obispo at San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944.
1044. '3-30-44. Griggs. Co B 710th Tank Bn. Tank convoy returning from Camp Cook, Calif. to Camp San Luis Obispo. 168-L...
Repairs being made to truck in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1148. '3-30-44. Sharetts. T/5 R.G. Bradley, Jackson, Mich.[Michigan] working on motor, T/4 R.O. Brown of Elizabethton,...
Tank crew members repairing a damaged M4 Sherman tank in the field during training exercises at in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
968. Tank crew members repairing a damaged M4 Sherman tank in the field during training exercises. '3-28-44. Griggs....
US servicemen disembarking from an LCI during training maneuvers in California on 6 March 1944
744. US servicemen disembarking from an LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] during training maneuvers off California. '3-6-44...
US sailors throwing tow lines during amphibious training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
US sailors throwing tow lines from a pontoon bridge during amphibious training exercises. "3-15-44. Barry. When a...
Message center clerk takes photo for delivery to general staff in command of invasion problem near Morro Bay, California on 27 March 1944
1074. '3-27-44. Hussey. T-5 Bedford s. Grey (right) Mes. Center clerk, takes photo from S/Sgt. Elvin Love, 81st div....
Flap sewn on a Jeep top in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1165. '3-30-44. Sharetts. A flap is sewn on a Jeep top by Pfc. H.C. Comerford, Cranston, R.I.[Rhode Island] In the...
Soldier leading pack mule during training exercises at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in 1944
Soldier leading pack mule during training exercises. "168-9-44-523." United States of America, Hunter Liggett Military...
Foxhole training exercises near Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 7 March 1944
774. US servicemen inside foxholes; preparing to be rolled over by 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage / M7 Priest during...
Soldiers pushing vehicles through sandy beach at San Luis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.
946. Soldiers pushing vehicles through sandy beach. '3-27-44. Paik. Soft wet sand makes it difficult to advance for...
General Mueller addressing division troops at ceremony at San Luis Obispo, California in1944.
840. General Mueller addressing division troops at ceremony. 'General Mueller, Commanding General of the 81st Division...
Soldiers working on a lathe in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1182. '29 March 44. Zoff. L to R: T/4 Abe Emma, and T/5 Frank Mattern working on lathe in the machine shop truck load B...
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