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Lt. Col. F. Boynton Butler of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Lt. Col. F. Boynton Butler, G3.
Col. Farrand, Chief of Staff of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Col. Farrand, Chief of Staff, 5th AD.
Lt. Col. Entrekin of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Lt. Col. Entrekin.
Lt. Col. Lonsdale P. MacFarland of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Lt. Col. Lonsdale P. MacFarland, G2, 5th AD.
Capt. Weiss and another serviceman in the United States in March 1945
Captain Thomas E. Weiss and unidentified serviceman. "3. This shows I've gained a little weight. March 45." Location...
Lt. Col. Entrekin of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Lt. Col. Entrekin, G4.
Col. Farrand, Chief of Staff, 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division. Col. Farrand, Chief of Staff during WWII.
Major Reynold, Major Hinkle, and Major Bates of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Major Reynold, Major Hinkle, Major Bates.
Boynton Butler of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Boynton Butler.
Officer in the United States in the early 1940s
77.Photograph. Unidentified officer in winter service uniform sitting under a tree near side of road. United States....
Lt. Col. Marks of the 5th Armored Division during WWII
Officers of the 5th Armored Division during WWII. Lt. Col. Marks.
Officer with motorcycle in the United States in the early 1940s
78.Photograph. Unidentified serviceman dressed in officer's summer service uniform with motorcycle. 'Hi James 'Bergy...
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