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US marines placing sandbags along beach during amphibious training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
892. US marines placing sandbags along beach during amphibious training exercises. '3-15-44. Goodman. Side view of...
Bulldozer aboard an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
898. Bulldozer aboard an LST [Landing Ship, Tank]. '3-15-44. Boll. Bulldozer of the 321st Inf, 81st Div, being brought...
Marines disembark the USS PC-799, California
Photograph. Marines disembark the USS PC-799. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Marines leaving our ship to launch."...
A small ferry takes Marines to Alcatraz Island, California
Photograph. A small ferry takes Marines to Alcatraz Island. A small airplane can be seen flying over the island. San...
A small ferry takes Marines to Alcatraz Island, California
Photograph. A small ferry takes Marines to Alcatraz Island. A small airplane can be seen flying over the island....
Marines disembark the USS PC-799 onto a small ferry, San Francisco
Photograph. Marines disembark the USS PC-799 onto a small ferry. A sign on the hills reads "Welcome Home Well Done" and...
U.S. Marine Bob Brunett, San Diego, California, 1946
Photograph. U.S. Marine Bob Brunett wearing peaked cap and standing for picture outdoors near building. Personal...
U.S. Marines, San Diego, California, 16 October 1946
Photograph. Two uniformed U.S. Marines standoutdoors in front of a grove of young trees. Military facility buildings in...
Four U.S. Marines stand together outside, California, 16 October 1946
Photograph. Uniformed U.S. Marines Johnny Walters, Lee Storer, Don Strouach, and Royce McDuffie stand outdoors in front...
U.S. Marine Lee Storer, San Diego, California, 16 October 1946
Photograph. Uniformed U.S. Marine Lee Storer standing for picture outdoors; buildings in background. Personal Caption...
Four U.S. Marines pose outside near a grove of trees, San Diego, California, 16 October 1946
Photograph. Uniformed U.S. Marines Johnny Walters, Lee Storer, Freddie Walberg, and Royce McDuffie standing for picture...