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Women inspect and cut individual letters from rolls of paper during V-mail processing in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "Paper chopping. At these choppers each letter is handcut from the roll and...
A serviceman works in a V-mail reprinting area in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "The reprint section, with a view of the reprint or Model ? enlarger which...
Women load and operate a letter folding machine during V-mail processing in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "On this machine the letters are folded to correct size for insertion into V-...
Women photograph mail during V-mail processing in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929.' "The recording operation, using the Recordak machines. These operators...
A soldier pours develping solution into a machine during V-mail processing in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "The next step is the processing of the film, which is done both on automatic...
A female soldier inspects film during the processing of V-mail in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "After processing the film is taken to inspection where it is carefully...
A woman measures film density during the processing of V-mail in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "Following this, the density of the film is measured on a densitometer and...
A man repairs a Recordak camera used during the processing of V-mail in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "View of the maintenance department at the Station with one of the men...
A soldier adjusts an image enlarger during V-mail film processing in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "View of the continuous enlarger on which the image on the film is enlarged...
A man splices paper being loaded into a machine during V-mail processing in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "View of the paper processing machine. On these machines the entire paper...
Two men inspect letters reproduced on rolls of paper during processing of V-mail in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "Paper inspection. At these tables each roll of finished work is inspected...