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Landing craft in the ocean carrying tank and servicemen, 1943-1945
View from the rear of an LCM (Landing Craft, Mechanized) being driven through the sea with an M5 Stuart tank on deck,...
Two men of a machine gun crew man a .30 cal M1919 A4 Browning machine gun at an unknown location in July 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Two men of a machine gun crew man a .30 cal M1919 A4 Browning machine gun. "...
Two soldiers track their position on a map in an unknown Pacific jungle during World War II
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Two soldiers in camouflage and M1 helmets, one carrying an M1A1 carbine track...
Five soldiers undergoing a training procedure in the 1940s
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Three soldiers stake down a white flag, while a fourth is prepared to shoot a...
Master Sergeant Spinks demonstrating the use of a M1919 Browning .30 caliber medium machine gun during classroom instruction in the United States in 1945
Master Sergeant John O. Spinks demonstrating the use of a M1919 Browning .30 caliber medium machine gun during...
A crewman cleans a .50 caliber machine gun while others look on, 1942-45
Two crewmen watch a third one cleaning two .50 caliber machine guns while standing near a North American B-25 Mitchell...
Part of a giant Allied task force moves across the English channel to hit the French coast on D-Day, 6 June 1944
476.Photograph. 'File Number: 231247 June 12, 1944 D-Day Task Force Barrage balloons floating overhead as protection...
Navy men aboard a landing craft keep lookout as they maneuver in the English channel while awaiting the order for the invasion in June 1944
463.Photograph. 'File Number: 253466 June 17, 1944 Eyes Alert Navy men aboard a landing craft keep a sharp lookout on...
A soldier stands in front of fellow soldiers with a Thompson submachine gun during World War II
A soldier stands in front of fellow soldiers with a Thompson submachine gun at an unknown Pacific location during World...
American soldier sitting on top of vehicle with antiaircraft guns
Photograph. American soldier sitting on top of vehicle with antiaircraft guns. ETO. No date
American soldier sitting on top of vehicle with antiaircraft guns, ETO
Photograph. American soldier sitting on half track with mounted M16s. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Our M16 guns...
A soldier poses outside a tent with a Brodie helmet and a Thompson .45 submachine gun in 1942
Photograph. A soldier poses outside a tent with a Brodie helmet and a Thompson .45 submachine gun. "Some Japs coming."...