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View of Higgins amphibious vehicle on Lake Pontchartrain beach in New Orleans, Louisiana on 10 October 1944
Aft/stern/rear view of Higgins Industries built amphibious vehicle on Lake Pontchartrain beach in New Orleans,...
View of Higgins Industries built boat inside the factory at New Orleans, Louisiana in the 1940s
Aft/stern/rear of Higgins Industries built boat, inside factory. New Orleans, Louisiana. "Higgins Inc. Official Photo...
Higgins Industries built Beachmaster moving through sand in Louisiana on 17 December 1944
Higgins Industries built amphibious vehicle, the Beachmaster, moving through sand in Louisiana. "Higgins. File No. 99D-...
Close-up view of Higgins Industries built Beachmaster's tracks/tires in Louisiana on 25 April 1945
Close-up view of Higgins Industries built Beachmaster's tracks/tires. "Higgins. File No. 663-99D-238. Subject:...
Close-up of Higgins Industries built Beachmaster's, tracks and tires, inside a warehouse in Louisiana in the 1940s
Close-up of Higgins Industries built amphibious vehicle, the Beachmaster's, tracks and tires, inside warehouse. "Close...
Higgins Mudhopper being tested in the Louisiana swamp on 5 August 1945
Higgins Industries built amphibious vehicle, the Mudhopper, being tested in Louisiana swamp. "Higgins. File No. 663-99...
Amphibious vehicle, possibly version of "Swamp Skipper", in the Louisiana swamp on 23 September 1943
Amphibious vehicle, possibly version of "Swamp Skipper" in Louisiana swamp. "Higgins. File No. 603-16. Photographer: W....
Higgins Beachmaster moving through water during testing in Louisiana in the 1940s
Higgins Industries built amphibious vehicle, the Beachmaster, moving through water during testing in Louisiana. "...
Higgins Industries built amphibious tank in New Orleans, Louisiana in 10 October 1944
Aft/stern/rear side of Higgins Industries built amphibious tank. "Higgins. File No. 99D-48. Subject: Amp. Tank....
Higgins Industries built Beachmaster moving around in swamp water during testing in Louisiana on 1 March 1945
Higgins Industries built amphibious vehicle, the Beachmaster, moving around in swamp water during testing in Louisiana...
Higgins Industries built Beachmaster on a Louisiana swamp road in the 1940s
Higgins Industries built amphibious vehicle, the Beachmaster on Louisiana swamp road. "Higgins Beachmaster." 194-
Higgins Industries built Beachmaster moving out of swamp in Louisiana on 21 June 1945
Higgins Industries built amphibious vehicle, the Beachmaster, moving out of swamp in Louisiana. "Higgins. File No. 663-...
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