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View of two decks on an American aircraft carrier
Photograph. United States Navy sailors walking towards the elevator on the lower deck of an aircraft carrier while...
Charred frames of burned airplanes in the hangar deck of the USS Saratoga, Pacific Ocean, 1945
Photograph. Two servicemen talk amidst the charred skeletons of burned airplanes in the hangar deck of the USS Saratoga...
Hellcat landing on the deck of a US aircraft carrier, Pacific Ocean
Photograph. Grumman F6F Hellcat landing on the deck of an American aircraft carrier. Official caption on front: "...
Corsair being loaded with missiles, Pacific Ocean
Photograph. United States Navy sailors loading missiles onto a Vought F4U Corsair. Official caption on front: "Corsair...
Essex-class carrier underway on a strike mission, Pacific Ocean
Photograph. Planes crowd the deck of an Essex-class carrier underway on a strike mission. Official caption on front: "...
US sailors rearming planes on the deck of an aircraft carrier, Pacific Ocean
Photograph. United States sailors rearming dive bombers and torpedo planes on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Official...
Avengerbeing lifted on an elevator to a flight deck
Photograph. United States Navy Grumman TBF Avenger being lifted on an elevator to the flight deck of an aircraft...
Sailors and airplaneson the deck of a US aircraft carrier during an inspection, Pacific Ocean
Photograph. United States Navy sailors standing in three long lines on the deck of a ship while superiors inspect them...
Avenger using jet assistance to take off from a US aircraft carrier, Pacific Ocean
Photograph. Grumman TBF Avenger using jet assistance to take off from an American aircraft carrier. Official caption on...