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The USS Joseph T. Dickman anchored off the coast of an island, Pacific Ocean, 1945
Photograph. The attack transport USS Joseph T. Dickman (APA-13) anchored off the coast of an island; LCVPs [Landing...
Normandy breakwater made from sunken ships, France, 1944
Photograph. Closeup of a breakwater made from sunken Allied ships. Official caption on reverse: "2963 / From: Public...
US Coast Guard transporting wounded, France, 1944
Photograph. American servicemen aboard an assault transport lowering wounded men into a United States Coast Guard...
US forces gathering on a Normandy beach after D-Day, France, 1944
Photograph. American servicemen wading onto a beach, as seen from the deck of a LCVP [landing craft, vehicle, personnel...
Bombs exploding near US Coast Guard ships off the coast of Sicily, Italy, 1943
Photograph. Bombs exploding near United States Coast Guard-manned transport ships. Official caption on reverse: "1790...
US soldiers storming the coast of North Africa, 1942
Photograph. American soldiers debarking PD29-4 and PD29-3 [from the attack transport USS Thomas Stone (APA-29)] and...
LCIs with barrage balloons advancing toward Normandy, France, 1944
Photograph. LCIs [Landing Craft Infantry] with barrage balloons advancing through the English Channel. Official caption...
US servicemen debarking a landing craft off the coast of Normandy, France, 1944
Photograph. American servicemen wading towards a smoke-covered beach, as seen from the deck of a landing craft....
Burning LCVP crusing toward Normandy, France, 1944
Photograph. Burning LCVP [landing craft, vehicle, personnel] cruising toward a coast. Official caption on reverse: "...
Allied soldiers and vehicles debarking from LST-21, Normandy, 1944
Photograph. Allied soldiers and driving vehicles out of LST-21 and on to a pontoon bridge. Official caption on reverse...
Merchant seaman being tranported to a US Coast Guard ship, Atlantic Ocean
Photograph. Wounded merchant seaman being transported from his ship to a Coast Guard-manned ship via a breeches bouy....
The USS Samuel Chase (APA-26)
Photograph. The USS Samuel Chase (APA-26) off the coast of an island. Official caption on reverse: "3950 / From: Public...
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