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Two officers analyze their positions on a map, probably at New Britain in July 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Two officers analyze their positions on a map on a makeshift table in the jungle...
Two soldiers in the foreground use signal flags to communicate with several soldiers hundreds of feet away while constructing defenses at New Britain in September 1944
Two soldiers in the foreground use signal flags to communicate with several soldiers hundreds of feet away while...
Fire burns across Pasig River where heavy fighting occurred on 14 February 1945
"Fire burns across Pasig River where heavy fighting occurred." 14 February 1945
Filipinos hotel at corner of Rizal and Azcarraga Avenue at Manila in the Philippines on 20 February 1945
"Filipinos hotel at corner of Rizal and Azcarraga Avenue." 20 February 1945
Doctors examine two wounded soldiers who are on stretchers on the ground at the 251st Station Hospital at Cape Gloucester, New Britain on 15 August 1944
Doctors examine two wounded soldiers who are on litters or stretchers on the ground, presumably due to lack of space at...
Captured enemy 12" gun emplacement near Rosario, Luzon on 4 February 1945
"Captured enemy 12" gun emplacement near Rosario, Luzon." 4 February 1945
Volunteer workers fill water urns for use of hospital at Manila in the Philippines on 17 February 1945
"Volunteer workers fill water urns for use of hospital." 17 February 1945
A wounded soldier is helped to an aid station in Intramuros at Manila in the Philippines on 23 February 1945
"Wounded soldier helped to aid statsion in Intramurals (Old Spanish fort in Manila)." 23 February 1945
Officers' mess at Cape Gloucester, New Britain in August 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Officers mess on Cape Gloucester. "Base camp supply depot set up at Cape...
Members of Combat Photo Unit 10 sit atop two jeeps on a jungle road at Palo, Leyte in the Philippines on 22 October 1944
Members of Combat Photo Unit 10 (which included donor) sit atop two jeeps on a jungle road. "Combat Photo Unit 10,...
Four soldiers set up communications for a command post with a radio and generator on Guadalcanal on 9 March 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Four soldiers of the 185th Infantry Regiment (40th infantry Division), two...
Business district near moat surrounding emperor's palace in Tokyo, Japan in October 1945
"Business district near moat surrounding emperor's palace, Tokyo." October 1945
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