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Engineers pump oil into concrete battleship Fort Drum at Manila in the Philippines on 13 April 1945
"Engineers pump oil into concrete battleship Fort Drum." [13 April 1945]
An aerial view of smoke escaping from a volcano at New Britain in August 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. An aerial view of smoke escaping from a volcano. "Aerial view of smoke venting...
Japanese 105 mm gun destroyed by 25th Division artillery near Carranglan in the Philippines on 15 March 1945
"Jap 105 mm gun destroyed by 25th Div artillery." 15 March 1945
An APA lowers an LCVP into the water at an unknown location in June 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. An APA lowers an LCVP [Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel] into the water. "Ships...
Devastation of Nagasaki industrial factory district by second atomic bomb dropped on Japanese on 22 September 1945
"Devastation of Nagasaki industrial (factory) district by 2nd atomic bomb dropped on Japan." 22 September 1945
Filipino women machine gunned or bayoneted by retreating Japanese soldiers during Battle for Manila in the Philippines on 2 March 1945
"Filipino women machine gunned or bayoneted by retreating Jap soldiers during Battle for Manila, Luzon." 2 March 1945
Emaciated Japanese prisoners of war wearing USMC uniforms get their first meals after capture near Talasea, New Britain in August 1944
Emaciated Japanese prisoners of war wearing USMC uniforms and large paper tags around their necks are served a much-...
Sunken Japanese ships in Manila Bay block shipping into harbor at Manila in the Philippines on 6 March 1945
"Sunken Jap ships in Manila Bay block shipping into harbor." 6 March 1945
A Mechanized Landing Craft and a CCKW on a beach at an unknown location in the 1940s
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. A Landing Craft Mechanized...
Three soldiers stand around one soldier seated at a desk at Cape Gloucester, New Britain in 1944
Three soldiers stand around one soldier seated at a desk, framed photographs behind him. "251st Station Hospital, Cape...
Sniper fire slows the advance of the 33rd Infantry Division at the Bubbang River on Luzon in the Philippines in 1945
"Sniper fire slows advance of 33rd Div at Bubbang River." [1945]
Several soldiers of the 160th Infantry Regiment line up to unload crates from an LCVP with its ramp down on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands on 3 March 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Several soldiers of the 160th Infantry Regiment (40th Infantry Division) line up...
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