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Private studying book at Fort Benning, Georgia on 25 July 1944
1589. '25 July 44. Pfc. Mark. Pvt. John R. Common thumbing through a book for information which might help him in his...
Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Georgia on 18 July 1944
1539. "18 July 44. Austin. Students returning from jump field signing parachute log at Fort Benning, Ga., recording...
Lieutenant sitting at desk at Fort Benning, Georgia. 10 July 1944
1342. '10 July 44. DuTiel. Lt. Mark A. Greenhouse, Headquarters, 4th Battalion, 1st Student Training Regiment. 168-L-44...
671st Ordnance Ammunition Company personnel loading shell cases and 'Cloverleafs' with sand at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1918. '3-24-44. Boll. 671st Ord Amm Co at Jolon. 671st personnel loading shell cases and 'Cloverleafs' with sand. These...
Mess personnel of the 71st Infantry Division have set up fires and heated all 'C' rations which were served to the men from a large pot on 10 March 1944
1792. '3-10-44. Sharetts. Mess personnel of HQ Co, 2nd Bn, 14th Inf, 71 L Div, have set up fires and heated all 'C'...
A plane of Division Artillery Headquarters taking off to reconnoiter enemy positions during a demonstration at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2029. '15 Aug 44 Barry. L4-B Liaison plane of Div. Artillery Headquarters, takes off from air strip located in Blue...
M-4 A-3 tanks loaded for shipment at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 21 September 1944
2184. '21 Sept. 44 Barry. Medium tanks M-4 A-3 of 'A' Co 772nd Tank Bn loaded for shipment, move out from loading area...
Corporal carries ammunition and private cleans gun in San Luis Obispo, California on 1 April 1944
1178. '4-1-44. Hussey. With belts of 50 Cal. ammunition over shoulders, Cpl. Joseph Astin of Los Angeles California and...
Salvaged rags baled and ready for shipment at Fort Benning, Georgia on 7 September 1944
1617. '7 Sept 44. Paik. Salvaged rags baled and ready for shipment at the Main Post Salvage, Ft Benning, Georgia. 168-L...
View from the deck of an LST to the loading of supplies below during training in California on 8 March 1944
822. View from the deck of an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] looking down to military equipment loading into the ship via a...
US officer delivers a message in Morro Bay, California on 27 March 1944
1094. '3-27-44. Preciado. Lt. Robert J. Simon of S-2 delivers a message to message center. PFC Ray Velasco (L)...
A navy and army officer conversing aboard LST-486 during training in California on 8 March 1944
A navy and army officer conversing aboard LST-486. "3-8-44. Bradlor. Ensign Donald Pratt, Watch Officer, points out a...
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