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Fifth Army Italian troops receive ovation as they march down street of newly liberated Bologna on 21 April 1945.
96.Photograph. '21 April 45. 5/MM-45-7370. Fifth Army, Bologna, Italy. Fifth Army Italian troops receive ovation as...
Eleanor Roosevelt shaking hands with unidentified serviceman. Possibly Guadalcanal in September 1943
Eleanor Roosevelt shaking hands with unidentified serviceman. Possibly Guadalcanal in September 1943. Appears to be a...
An LCM unloads infantry onto Lake Ponchatrain beach during demonstration in New Orleans in July 1944
An LCM [Landing Craft, Mechanized] with its ramp down on the beach of Lake Ponchatrain unloads two squads of infantry...
An unidentified coastline in the Pacific Ocean (probably), 1941-45
Unidentified coastline. Reverse: "Tex." Pacific Ocean (probably). 1941-45
Thatch roofed houses on the coastline of Guam, 1944-45
Thatched roof houses along coastline. View is from land toward the water. "Guam." Guam. 1944-45
"Sahara Sue, II" nose art, North Africa (probably), 1942
"Sahara Sue, II" nose art (Image: reclining woman) on a North American B-25 D Mitchell bomber. Serviceman sitting in...
Crewmen and a B-25 bomber, North Africa (probably), 1942-43
A North American B-25D Mitchell bomber with 10 crewmen and ground crew posed near the nose. North Africa (probably)....
United States serviceman Charles Paradise and the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt, 1944
United States serviceman posing for picture near the Great Sphinx of Giza; directly below the head is a pile of bricks...
A grotto within the Church of the Nativity where Christ is believed to be have been born, Bethlehem, 1942-44
A grotto, or cave, within the Church of the Nativity where Christ is believed to be have been born. "Where Christ was...
Gen. Koeltz, French Government representative, presents Lt. Col. MacFarland with the Croix de Guerre with palm at Munchen-Galdbach, Germany on 13 March 1945
ETO HQ 45 43027 13 Mar. Credit US Army Signal Corps. Photog Milgrom-168. Gen. Koeltz, French Government representative...
United States serviceman Joe Barrish, China-Burma-India Theater (probably), 1944-45
United States serviceman posing for picture; there is thatch-walled building behind him. "Joe Barrish." China-Burma-...
Battleship firing naval guns at Iwo Jima in February 1945
Battleship firing 16 inch naval guns at Iwo Jima, probably the USS West Virginia (BB-48). Official caption:'"Navy big...
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