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Flight officer Mann at the Headquarters Special Troops ADSEC, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Flight Officer Mann standing on the front steps of the Headquarters Special Troops Advance Section,...
Homeless Japanese at bombed site, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Japanese person huddled in rags among rubble, bombed buildings in background. Japan. 1945
Holdridge with other trainees, Fort Lewis, Washington, 1943
Photograph. Holdridge poses with seven other unidentified US soldiers outside of the barracks at Fort Lewis, Washington...
Two Luftwaffe members handling ammunition from crates on a German airfield
Photograph. Two members of the German Luftwaffe handling ammunition from crates next to a German airplane on an...
US serviceman kneeling on Marsden matting, New Guinea, 1943
Photograph. US serviceman kneeling on Marsden matting. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Ralph - somewhere in So....
Filipino women at a base dance, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Group of Filipino women pose together in front of the Christmas tree at the base hall. Personal caption on...
Mountain valley in Transjordan
Photograph, aerial. Dirt road in a mountain valley. Personal caption on reverse: "Trans-Jordan Valley." Transjordan [...
Members of the Seventh Army sitting on a mountain top
Photograph. Ten members of the Seventh Army sitting and standing next to a wooden cross on a mountain top. Personal...
Village on the water, New Guinea, 1944
Photograph, aerial. View of homes on an embankment. Personal caption on photo reverse:"New Guinea." 1944
A sailor reclines on a submarine in the Pacifc Ocean circa 1940-42
Photograph. A sailor reclines against the rails on the deck of a submarine. Likely the USS Narwhal (SS-167). Pacific...
The USS S-28 (SS-133), likely in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii circa 1941-42
Photograph. The submarine USS S-28 (SS-133). Likely Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. No date
Aerial view of Hannibal, Missouri
Photograph. Aerial view of Main Street and the surronding area; the Burlington Railroad roundhouse is at the bottom...
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