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American servicemen view two men at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, 1942-44
Two men stand at the Wailing Wall. There are American servicemen on the extreme right of the photograph. "Wailing Wall...
Military portrait of Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland in Germany on 3 November 1945
Military portrait of Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland in Germany on 3 November 1945.
United States serviceman with puppies "Buster & Squeeky", China-Burma-India Theater (probably), 1944-45
United States serviceman crouching down to pet two small dogs; the man has a pipe and is next to a thatch-walled...
USS Idaho (BB-42) off the coastline of Iwo Jima in February 1945
USS Idaho (BB-42) off the coastline of Iwo Jima; Mount Suribachi in background. Official caption:'"USS Idaho closes on...
A soldier pours develping solution into a machine during V-mail processing in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929. "The next step is the processing of the film, which is done both on automatic...
Army Air Force servicemen pose inside of a boxcar at a railroad station in Europe in the 1940s
Army Air Force servicemen pose inside of a boxcar at a railroad station or transport stop. Europe. 194-
Villagers possibly near Accra, Ghana
Photograph. "2650" Villagers possibly near Accra, Ghana. 1940s
Flock of birds in Africa
Mass-produced image of African animal; souvenir image. Flock of unidentified birds.
The 'Enola Gay' on Tinian in 1945
The 'Enola Gay' on Tinian. "Tinian. Atomic bomber B 29. (a very [illegible] pitcure)." 1945
Supply sergeant in San Luis Obispo, California on 1 April 1944
1138. '4-1-44. S/Sgt. A Schug supply sergeant of the 549th Ord. Heavy Maintenance Co at San Luis Obispo, Calif,...
71st Division Recon troops receiving last minute instructions before firing 30 cal machine guns mounted on armored cars at Frey range Fort Benning
1756. '10 Oct 44. Paik. 71st Div RCN troops receiving last minute instructions before firing 30 cal machine guns...
Brigadier General Perrin addresses troops before the beginning of a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2007. '11 August 44. Barry. Brig. Gen. Henry T. Perrin, Ass't Div. Commander, 106th Inf. Div., addresses troops before...
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