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Disabled German tank with crewmen surrendering to two U.S. soldiers in Italy on 1944-45
109.Photograph. Disabled German tank with crewmen surrendering to two U.S. soldiers. Italy. 1944-45
Lt. General Mark Clark pinning medal on American soldier in Italy on 16 November 1944
433.Photograph. '16 Nov 1944. CG-2547. Fifth Army, Montecatini Area, Italy. Lt. General Mark W. Clark, C.G. Fifth Army...
Troops at ease, probably at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands in the 1940s
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. Troops at ease, many sit or squat on a trail in the jungle. "Troops cross jungle...
Japanese prisoners of war in USMC uniforms carry mess kits full of food after being captured near Talasea, New Britain in August 1944
Japanese prisoners of war in USMC uniforms carry mess kits full of food. "Japanese POW"s get first G.I. food after...
A Teller mine is exploded by the 317th Combat Engineers as they clear the are near Viareggio on 3 March 1945.
83.Photograph. '3 March 45. 5/MM-45-3773. Fifth Army, Viareggio Area, Italy. Showing an anti-tank Teller mine exploding...
Elevated military tent where Master Sergeant John Spinks lived while at Palawan in 1945
Elevated military tent where Master Sergeant John O. Spinks lived while in the Philippine Islands. "Tent where I lived...
A U.S. Navy blimp, landing craft and an FS ship during demonstration in New Orleans in 1944
A U.S. Navy blimp, landing craft and an FS Freight Supply 170' long ship built by Higgins on the waters of Lake...
American radar image of Japanese islands, 28 July 1945
American radar map of Japanese islands. "XX-1 20AF RSPM 49 201 RD 8 (28 July 1945). 1. Noto Shima 2. Toyama 3. Toyama...
Men canoeing in a bay on Guam, 1944-45
Men canoeing in bay. "Guam." Guam. 1944-45
"Arkansas Traveler" nose art, North Africa (probably), 1942
"Arkansas Traveler" nose art (Image: man riding donkey) on a North American B-25 D Mitchell bomber. Serviceman sitting...
Crewmen loading their gear onto a B-25 bomber, North Africa (probably), 1942-43
Sphinx statue, Egypt, circa 1944
Sphinx statue (probably the Great Sphinx of Giza); directly below the head is a pile of bricks, possibly propping up...
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