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Photograph. Corporal Hiram Boone walking beside his personal mule riding mount, "Chick," on a dirt road; Chick is...
Easter sunrise services for men of the IV Corps at Castelluccia, Italy on 1 April 1945
301.Photograph. '1 April 45. 5/MM-45-5599. Fifth Army, Castelluccia, Italy. Chap. [Chaplain] Paul J. Maddox conducting...
US mortar platoon marches down a roadway outside Cisterna, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US mortar platoon marches down a roadway. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5568." Official caption on...
French people cheering US troops, Chemilla, France, 1944
Photograph. French people cheering US troops as they roll down the city streets. Official caption on front: "7/MM-44-...
Artillery men in a shelter made of ammunition crates in Castelucio, Italy on 27 November 1944.
106.Photograph. '5/MM-44-30681. Fifth Army, Castelucio, Italy. Using 105mm ammunition boxes, these artillery men put up...
Three South African infantrymen dry their socks and blankets in the first sunshine they have seen during six days at Veggio, Italy on 15 November 1944
432.Photograph. South African soldiers drying equipment in sunlight on side of hill. '15 Nov. 1944. 5/MM-44-30174....
A soldier climbs up a ladder after crossing a shallow river, probably on Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands in the 1940s
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. A view from above of a soldier as he climbs up a ladder after crossing a shallow...
Emaciated Japanese prisoners of war wearing USMC uniforms get their first meals after capture near Talasea, New Britain in August 1944
Emaciated Japanese prisoners of war wearing USMC uniforms and large paper tags around their necks are served a much-...
Italian civilians cut flesh from a dead horse along the side of the road in the Po Valley, Italy on 20 April 1945.
55.Photograph. Italian civilians cutting flesh from a dead German horses along the side of the road. '20 April 45. 5/MM...
Filipino family posing for a photograph outside of a military tent on Palawan in 1945
Filipino family posing for a photograph outside of a military tent on Palawan in 1945.'"Philippine family paying a...
Andrew Higgins in reviewing stand during ceremony for completion of the U.S. Navy's 10,000th Higgins Boat in New Orleans in 1944
Andrew Higgins in reviewing stand during ceremony for completion of the U.S. Navy's 10,000th Higgins Boat at Lake...
American radar image of Japanese islands, 28 July 1945
American radar map of Japanese islands. "N-15 20AF RSPM 49 202RD 21 (28 July 45). 1. Kyoto 2. Biwa Ko 3. Nagoya 4. Ise...
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