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US Army machine gun crew on alert, El Guettar, Tunisia
Photograph. United States Army soldiers manning a machine gun mounted on a jeep parked near a water well. Official...
USMCWR member sitting in front of a control panel
Photograph. Member of the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve (USMCWR) sitting in front of a control panel....
US Marines carrying a dead body from the frontlines, Saipan, 1944
Photograph. Four United States Marines carrying the covered body of a dead Marine on a stretcher. Official caption on...
Large-scale amphibious operation on the coast of Normandy, France, June 1944
Photograph. Landing craft, barrage balloons, and military vehicles gathering on a beach. Official caption on front: "...
USS William D. Porter listing next to the LCS(L)(3)-122 off the coast of Okinawa, Japan, 1945
Photograph. USS William D. Porter (DD-579) [right] listing next to the USS LCS(L)(3)-122 after a kamikaze attack....
The Jungleers performing, Oahu, 1945
Photograph. African American brass band The Jungleers playing in camouflage uniforms on a stage. Personal caption on...
Adolf Hitler talking to boy, Germany, 1934-39
Mass-produced German photograph of Adolf Hitler, holding flowers, talking to boy wearing Nazi armband; other military...
P-38's vapor-trailing the sun
View looking into into sunlight; vapor trails and a few P-38 Lightnings visible. "P-38's vapor-trailing the sun."...
Ruins of a bombed city in Italy in 1945
Ruins of a bombed city. "Fondi, Italy." Circa 1945
A soldier stands near a latrine in Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa circa 1943
A soldier stands near a latrine. "8 holer latrine'by quarters--Bizerte." Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa. Circa 1943
271st Field Artillery fires on Japanese positions at Manila in the Philippines in 1945
"271st Field Artillery fire on Jap positions." [1945]
Devastation of Nagasaki industrial factory district by second atomic bomb dropped on Japanese on 22 September 1945
"Devastation of Nagasaki Industrial (Factory) District by 2nd Atomic Bomb dropped on Japan." 22 September 1945
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