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The ruins of Montecassino Abbey after Allied bombing in Italy in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Dead tree, ruins of Montecassino Abbey after Allied bombing destroyed it in background. Abbey of Cassino. From...
Wounded US Navy officer talking to a correspondent
Photograph. United States Navy officer with a head wound talking with a war correspondent on a beach; landing craft are...
USS Shipley Bay in the Pacific Ocean
Photograph. Starboard side view of the USS Shipley Bay (CVE-85). Official caption on front: "USS Shipley Bay US Navy...
USS Hornet in the Pacific Ocean
Photograph. Starboard side view of the USS Hornet (CV-8). Official caption on front: "USS Hornet US Navy Photo 111-4."...
USS Colorado in the Pacific Ocean
Photograph. Port side view of the USS Colorado (BB-45). Official caption on front: "USS Colorado US Navy Photo 106-12...
US Army soldiers leading Italian POWs out of Palermo, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. Two United States Army soldiers leading surrendered Italian prisoners of war down a paved street. Official...
US landing craft heading towards Lingayen, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. American landing craft cruising towards in open ocean; a large ship is in the background. Official caption...
Nazi colonel addressing German POWs near Metz, France, 1944
Photograph. German military officer addressing German prisoners of war in large courtyard; graves are in the foreground...
The Jungleers performing, Oahu, 1945
Photograph. African American brass band The Jungleers playing in camouflage uniforms on a stage. Personal caption on...
German factory worker saluting Adolf Hitler, Germany, 1934-39
Mass-produced German photograph of factory worker greeting Adolf Hitler with Nazi salute; other men nearby and...
Sequence of two images showing a hit bomber going down in flames over Europe
Sequence of two images showing a hit bomber going down in flames. "Two shots of one of our bombers hit and going down...
An ornate arch or gate in Munich, Germany in 1945
An ornate arch or gate in Munich. "Munich, Germany." 1945
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