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A man weaves a large basket in Paris, France circa 1945
A man weaves a large basket in a Latin Quarter marketplace outside of a Paris Métro station. Paris, France.
Portrait of unknown soldiers and officers in New Orleans, Louisiana circa 1940s
Portrait of unknown soldiers and officers, likely taken at the Army Service of Supply Unit Training Center, New Orleans...
U.S. sailors working on PT boat engine in England or France, circa 1944
U.S. sailors inside PT (Patrol Torpedo) boat engine room, working engine. England or France. Circa 1944
Logs are laid across the jungle floor to create a crude road, New Georgia Islands, c. 1943
Photograph. Logs are laid across the jungle floor to create a crude road through thick mud for trucks to deliver...
Park landscape
Photograph. Grassy field with tree lined sidewalks. Civilians are walking throughout. Location unknown. No date
Grassy field, Northern Ireland
Photograph. Grassy field, a forested area with a tall structure in the center is in the background. Personal caption on...
Keel of ship under construction at Pendleton Shipyards, New Orleans, Louisiana, 6 May 1942
View of keel during beginning stages of construction of ship at Pendleton Shipyards. Official Caption: "Pendlton [sic]...
A pontoon bridge on the Ledo Road in Burma in 1944
Photograph. A pontoon bridge on the Ledo Road in Burma in 1944. The background of the photo shows a convoy of military...
Three Air crewman stand with bicycles, Thurleigh Airfield
Photograph. Three Air crewman with bicycles and football pose outside of Quonset hut. Thurleigh Airfield, near Bedford...
Civilians cleaning a street
Photograph. Three civilians walking through an open gate, one holding a large hose, and one with a broom. Residential...
Woman holds an infant, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Two Japanese women and an infant stand outside of a gated yard. Japan. 1945
Canopied shop truck parked in parking lot, Aberdeen, 1942
Photograph. Large canopied shop truck carrying an electric welder parked in a parking lot. Personal caption on photo...
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