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Buddy tower of Stage 'C' of paratroop training at Fort Benning, Ga., showing how parachute folds up when it stops at bottom of tower on 17 July 1944
1525. '17 July 44. Austin. Buddy tower of Stage 'C' of paratroop training at Fort Benning, Ga., showing how parachute...
Damage done to a steel plate by explosives at Fort Benning, Georgia on 9 October 1944
1679. '9 Oct 44. Johnson. Experiment by demolition School, TPS Ft Benning, Ga using Rocket head HEAT M6A3. Photo shows...
Guam beach circa 1945
Deserted beach on Guam. Circa 1945
Snow covered building in the woods, Alaska c.1943.
Snow covered building in the woods, probably a barracks, with many icicles, probably Alaska c.1943.
A waterfall in Iceland in 1943
"Esther Megill." A waterfall in Iceland in 1943
Chaplain Harold R. Megill boarding a train on 1 July 1942 in York, Nebraska
"Harold R. Megill boarding train to go to Ft. Bliss July 1, 1942. Youngest son Kenneth standing with him."
John Janik sits on railing, ETO
Photograph. American soldier John Janik sits on railing. ETO. No date
Group portrait of staff officers probably from the USS Rutland in 1945
Group portrait of staff officers probably from the USS Rutland. From donor's notes: "Far rt [right] J de la V [Vergne...
The body of a dead Japanese soldier lies at the entrance of a pillbox on Kwajalein Atoll in 1944
The body of a dead Japanese soldier lies at the entrance of a pillbox. "Jap blown from pillbox in Ebeve Island,...
Berghof, Adolf Hitler's home near Berchtesgaden, Germany, 1945-46
Blurry image of the Berghof, Adolf Hitler's home near Berchtesgaden, including women sightseers and a sign marked "...
Snow-covered square of Saint Moritz, Switzerland in the winter of 1945/46
Downtown square of snow-covered Saint Moritz, Switzerland; mountains visible in background. "Square, St. [Saint] Moritz...
Edge of a military camp, Saipan, 1946
Slide. Tents and shacks at the edge of an American military camp; and interfaith chapel is in the center. Saipan,...
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