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A soldier under a heavily camoflauged shelter half in Italy
A soldier under a heavily camoflauged shelter half. "Arno River position." Italy. 1944-45
GIs march past knocked-out German tanks on the road outside of Cori, Italy, 1944
Photograph. GIs march past knocked-out German tanks on the road outside of a town. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-...
US troops move along the road towards Rome in Fondi, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US troops move along the road towards Rome. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5495." Official caption on...
Sunken French battleship at the harbor, Toulon, France, 1944
Photograph. Sunken French battleship at the harbor. Official caption on front: "7/MM-44-2749." Official caption on...
An Engineer group snow plough clears snow from an important supply route in Italy on 7 January 1945.
93.Photograph. '7 Jan 45. 5/MM/45/414. Fifth Army, Sasso, Italy. During a heavy snowstorm, a 1338 Engineer Group snow...
Axis tunnels overtaken by Allied Armies in Italy in November 1944
421.Photograph. Axis tunnels overtaken by Allied Armies. '12 Nov. 1944. 5/MM-44-30329. Fifth Army, II Corps Area, Italy...
An infantryman runs with a flamethrower in training at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1942
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. An infantryman runs with a flamethrower, a camouflaged soldier behind him also...
Soldiers of the 40th Infantry Division await the arrival of PT boats on the shore of New Britain in September 1944
Soldiers of the 40th Infantry Division await the arrival of PT boats on the shore of New Britain. "40th Div soldiers...
US troops wading to shore from LCI, St. Tropez, France,1944
Photograph. US troops wading to shore from LCI. In the foreground, soldiers can be seen digging foxholes. Official...
Aerial view of B-25 Mitchell bombing raid on Rabaul in 1944
Aerial view of bombing raid, probably over a Japanese airfield and runway. '"B25 bombing. Rabaul. 1944."' Rabaul, East...
Men in New Caledonia in 1944 or 1945
Three native, New Caledonian men, some wearing Western and U.S. military clothing with traditional clothing. New...
New Orleanians watch Higgins boats demonstrations on Lake Pontchartrain in July 1944
Hundreds of civilians standing on the seawall of Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans watching the demonstrations of...
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