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US Army General Charles H. Corlett visits the front on Kwajalein Atoll in 1944
US Army General Charles H. Corlett with soldiers on a war damaged coastline. There are naval ships in the water on the...
Concrete pillbox disguised to look like barn/shed in Eschweiler, Germany, 1945-46
Reinforced concrete pillbox (German) disguised to look like barn or shed; boards have been torn down to expose thick...
United States Forces European Theater headquarters building in Frankfurt, Germany in late 1945
IG Farben Building, headquarters building for the United States Forces European Theater in Germany; reference to...
Sky at sunset, Saipan, 1945
Slide. Tops of trees under the sky at sunset. Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. 1945
A woman walks down the stairs of the Trocadéro in Paris, France circa 1945
A woman walks down the stairs of the Trocadéro, site of the Palais de Chaillot. Personal caption: "The steps of...
A tugboat being shipped aboard another ship in New Orleans, Louisiana on 22 May 1943.
A tugboat being shipped aboard another ship. Official caption: "Deckload on after deck of the USAT 'W. W. Atterbury' 19...
War damaged buildings in London, England or Normandy, France, circa 1944
Massive bomb damage to buildings. London, England or Normandy, France. Circa 1944
Marines leave an island for offshore LCIs, New Georgia Islands, c. 1943
Photograph. Marines rest atop supplies on shore while columns of other Marines stream off of LCIs. New Georgia Islands...
Damaged rooftops
Photograph. Damaged rooftops of residential buildings. Dead trees are in the foreground. Forested hills are in the...
Civilians in a city street
Photograph. A large group of civilians posing for a photograph in a city strret. Trees and large buildings are in the...
Keel of ship under construction at Pendleton Shipyards, New Orleans, Louisiana, 6 May 1942
Aft view of keel during beginning stages of construction of ship at Pendleton Shipyards. Official Caption: "Pendlton [...
A woman carries a basket past a village in India in 1944
Photograph. A woman carries a basket past a village in India in 1944.
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