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New Caledonian family in New Caledonia in November 1944
1.Photograph. Native New Caledonian family outside home. New Caledonia. November 1944
Tents, possibly hospital tents, in between large dirt mounds for supplies in Germany in 1945
Tents, possibly hospital tents, in between large dirt mounds for supplies in Germany in 1945. Duplicate of 2009.364.157...
A local woman, wearing Western clothing, on Guam, 1944-45
Local woman of Guam in Western clothing. "Local gal - Guam." Guam. 1944-45
"Vagabond" nose art, North Africa (probably), 1942
"Vagabond" nose art (Image: silhouette of a crying camel) on a North American B-25 D Mitchell. "One of our ships of the...
B-25 bombers in flight above North Africa (probably), 1942-43
Two North American B-25D Mitchell bombers (Tail Numbers 89 and 77) in flight above mountains. There is a third plane of...
United States serviceman posing for picture on a ship, location unknown, 1941-45
Unidentified United States serviceman posing for picture on a ship. Location unknown. 1941-45
United States Lieutenant Towles resting during training hike in Washington State, September 1941
United States officer sitting on moss covered rock while resting during training hike. "Lt. [Lieutenant] Towles." "...
MacFarland near cannon of German tank in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. MacFarland near cannon of broken German Sturmmorser Tiger or Sturmtiger tank...
United States servicemen Crites and Wallace, North Africa (probably), 1942-43
Two United States servicemen, one with his arm on the shoulder of the other, posing for a picture. "Crites...
US Coast Guardsmen rescue a wounded Marine on Iwo Jima in February 1945
US Coast Guardsmen assist an oil covered Marine onto a landing craft during the Iwo Jima invasion. Official caption:'"...
Douglas Street in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea in 1944
Douglas Street. "Street scene at the 'Four Corners', looking north-east along Douglas Street. On the left are the...
Army Air Force members sit atop a canvas covered artillery piece in Europe in 1945
Seven Army Air Force members sit atop a canvas covered artillery piece, some wearing German hats. The year "1945"' is...
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