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United States servicemen hiking up scree in the mountains of Washington State during training, September 1941
Rear view of United States servicemen during training hike. "Lost! One of the many climbs (up and down)."'"Restricted...
Officers near a sign reading 464th Dental Prosthetic Det in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. MacFarland with other officers near sign reading "464th Dental Prosthetic Det."
United States servicemen Durham and Clark, China-Burma-India Theater (probably), 1944-45
Two United States servicemen, one of which is wearing a pith helmet and holding two small birds, posing for a picture...
US Coast Guard men rescue a Marine off Iwo Jima in February 1945
US Coast Guard men wearing Kapok life jackets and "Mae West" life belts rescue a Marine. Official caption: "Wounded...
The Papua Hotel in Papua New Guinea in 1944
The Papua Hotel. "The second of Moresby's hotels is the Papua, now closed awaiting the return of civilians to town, but...
James G. Piluk, center, and two fellow servicemen pose atop a large piece of artillery equipment, probably in Belgium in 1944
James G. Piluk, center, and two fellow servicemen pose atop a large piece of artillery equipment. Probably Belgium....
U.S. soldier inspects a postcard while reclining in his bunk in postwar Germany.
U.S. soldier reads a postcard while reclining in his bunk in postwar Germany.
Part of a mule train carrying rations during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in March 1944
2232. Soldiers leading pack mules through mountainous terrain during training exercises. '168-9-44-514.' United States...
B-29 superfortress on Tinian in late 1945
B-29 superfortress, probably on Tinian in late 1945; entire plane is displayed in image.
US anti-tank crew preparing to fire during training in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1121. '3-30-44. Paik. HQ Co. 3rd Bn. 323 Inf. 81st Div., 1st squad 37mm Anti-Tank crew about to fire at enemy pill...
A bazooka team from the 607th Field Artillery Battalion at Fort Benning in a fox hole ready to fire on 12 October 1944
1738. '12 Oct 44. Paik. Bazooka team from 607 FA, 71st Div, Fort Benning, Ga., in fox hole ready to fire. 168-L-44-...
Partially hidden by the dust kicked up by the blast of its cannon, an M-5-A-1 tank demonstrates its fire-power at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1984. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Partially hidden by the dust kicked up by the blast of its 75mm cannon, an M-5-A-1 tank of the...
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