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Uniformed Marine leans on a large palm tree, Hawaii, 17 September 1942
Photograph. Uniformed Marine leans on a large palm tree. Mountain in the background. Personal caption on photo reverse...
Sergeant Major Maltz sits at a desk, Hawaii, January 1946
Photograph. Sgt. Major Maltz sits inside in an office at a desk with a pen in his hand. Signed note on photo front: "...
Six enlisted men smile for a photo
Photograph. Six uniformed enlisted men pose for a group photo. Unknown location. No date
Filipino men standing outside of a house, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Three Filipino men standing by the entrance of a raised house near a stream. Manila, Philippines. 1945
Deer feed in the front yard of a building
Photograph. Herd of deer feeding under large tree in yard of structure. Long building and parked cars in the background...
156th Infantry Band standing in formation during a performance on the field at Wembley Stadium, London
Photograph. The 156th Infantry Band standing in formation during a performance on the field at Wembley Stadium. London...
Australian troops watching invasion flotilla near Brunei, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Australian troops aboard a ship watching invasion flotilla. Note the naval 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun....
Paratrooper Trainees Performing Calisthenics with Indian Clubs at TPS, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1944
Photograph. Paratrooper trainees performing calisthenics with Indian Clubs. Indian Clubs were a popular workout method...
Mounted motorcycle messenger at signpost, France, 1944
Photograph. Camouflaged, mounted motorcycle messenger at signpost reading: "Danger/Low Flying Aircraft." Translated...
US servicemen napping on ground during maneuvers near Camp Haan in California in 1944 or 1945
Slide. US servicemen napping on ground during training/maneuvers; pup tent nearby. United States, probably Camp Haan,...
A packed football stadium during the Rose Bowl in 1943
Slide. View from packed stadium down onto football field where marching band is performing during the Rose Bowl. "Band...
M4 Sherman tanks driving on a beach, Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
Photograph. Three M4 Sherman tanks with deep wading vents driving onto a beach from the ocean. Official caption on...
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