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Officers with the Inspector General Department after inspection at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 28 September 1944
2193. '28 Sept. 44 Barry. L. to R. Maj Gen Alan W. Jones, Comdr 106th Inf Div.; Maj General Christenson, Col Frank J...
Men practice safety swimming in oil burning on top of water at Fort Benning, Georgia on 14 July 1944
1511. '14 July 44. Boll. Members of the graduating class of advanced swimming instructors, swim through flaming oil at...
Chaplain at his desk at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 October 1944
1664. '6 Oct 44. Paik. Capt Henry B. Varner, Chaplain at 4th Hq Sp Trs 2d Army at Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-16383...
The Navy cruiser USS Biloxi hurls hot steel at the foe somewhere in the Pacific in April 1945
378.Photograph. 'File Number: 48716 April 6, 1945 The 'Busy Bee' buzzes at the Japs In a typical mood of rage against...
Dog sled team in front of hangar, Alaska c.1943.
Dog sled team in front of aiplane hangar in Alaska c.1943.
Chaplain Harold Megill at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Me in parka. Chaplain Harold Megill, Iceland." A Nissen hut is in the background. Chaplain Harold Megill at Camp...
Chaplain Harold Megill at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Chaplain H.R. Megill" Chaplain Harold Megill at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
Convoy about to leave Brachwitz, July 1945
Photograph. American soldiers ride on top of their hald-tracks in a convoy. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Convoy...
Officers aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Officers aboard the USS Rutland. From donor's notes: "Officers." 1945
Group portrait of US Marines with captured Japanese rubber tires on Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
US Marines pose with a pile of captured Japanese rubber tires. "Rubber tires captured from Japanese on a Kwajalein...
United States Captain Bob Rysh golfing in Germany, 1945-46
American officer putting with golf club. "Rysh putting." See also 2011.168.248. Probably Germany. 1945-46
American-built bridge over the Main River in Frankfurt, Germany in late 1945
View looking up from river to new American built number 6 bridge. Frankfurt, Germany. Postwar, Late 1945
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