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United States servicemen Bob Elgon and Michael J. Finn in front of ruins at Pompeii, Italy, 1943-44
Two United States servicemen, both wearing leather jackets and peaked caps, in front of ruins. "Bob Elgon and Michael J...
Two dead Japanese soldiers in foxhole on Iwo Jima in February 1945
Two dead Japanese soldiers in foxhole. Official caption: "Two Japs [Japanese] where they died defending Iwo Jima beach...
Native policeman and American servicemen in Papua New Guinea in 1944
Native policeman and American servicemen. "'Palaver'. This native speaking with the American GI'S is a member of the...
An unknown United States Marine poses in the United States in the 1940s
An unknown United States Marine poses in the United States in the 1940s. "Sgt James G. Piluk"
Portrait of a U.S. soldier looking up from reading a newspaper in postwar Germany.
Portrait of a U.S. soldier looking up from reading a newspaper in postwar Germany. Soldier is identified as Forde.
Soldiers with a mule train during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in March 1944
2222. Soldiers leading pack mules through mountainous terrain during training exercises. '168-9-44-504.' United States...
C-54 Skymaster taking off on Tinian in late 1945
Three B-29 superfortresses flying in formation; probably off Tinian in late 1945, as seen from another aircraft in...
US soldiers lying in prone positions during training in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1117. '3-30-44. Paik. Men from Co. 'A' 1st Bn., 323rd Inf., 81st Div. lying in prone position awaiting firing order....
105mm Howitzer from C Battery, 607th Field Artillery Battalion at Fort Benning on 12 October 1944
1734. '12 Oct 44. Paik. 105mm Howitzer from C Battery, 607 FA Bn, 71st Div with crew about to fire. 168-L-44-16518.'...
A 3' Anti-Tank gun of the 822nd Tank Destroyer Battalion gives a demonstration at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1979. '11 Aug 44. Barry. A 3' Anti-Tank gun of the 822nd Tank Destroyer Bn. firing direct fire during demonstration of...
African American soldier posing with South African Swazi dancers after performance of dancers at US Army Air Field near Ancona, Italy in 1945
African American soldier posing with South African Swazi dancers after performance of dancers at US Army Air Field near...
Dead Japanese soldiers and their damaged equipment on the beach at Kwajalein Island in February 1944
Dead Japanese soldiers and their damaged equipment on beach. 'W-CPA-44-106-DP. 2/4 Ellner. Jap dead and their equipment...
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