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US Marines setting up artillery near "Bloody Ridge", Guadalcanal
Photograph. United States Marines setting up artillery stations on the side of a hill. Official caption on front: "...
Chinese dancers on stilts, China, 1945
Photograph. Chinese dancers on stilts performing for American and Chinese troops outdoors; Marines are standing in the...
Night battle in the Bismarck Sea, 1943
Photograph. Smoke from artillery fire obscuring an American warship at night. Official caption on front: "Shell blasts...
Army mules at a military camp site, Burma, 1945
Photograph. Army mules tied to a picket line at a military camp site in a clearing. Personal caption on reverse: "...
US airmen posing for a photograph, Ft. Leonard Wood, 1942
Photograph. Seven American airmen posing in a joking manner on two planks set on the ground; an unfinished barrack is...
Packard Employee Payroll Information, Packard Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan
Photograph. Photograph of Packard employee payroll information, Packard Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan. This...
Souvenir image of the Arc de Triomphe
Mass produced image of Paris, France destination; souvenir image collected during World War II. Arc de Triomphe de l'...
Camels and jeeps on road in North Africa in 1943
Camels and jeeps on road in Arabic North Africa. "L'Arab, Africa." 1943-45
Medical officers in Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa in 1943
Medical officers, Dr. George Grant and Dr. Joseph Sabatier. "Joe S. and me Bizerte-1943." Bizerte, Tunisia, North...
Informal group portrait of U. S. servicemen within a U.S. military camp in 1945 in Burma
Informal group portrait of U. S. servicemen within U. S. military camp. "Seated left to right, 1st row 1. 1st Sgt. Cox...
1st Cavalry demolition squad removes Japanese mines in the Philippines in 1945
"1st Cav demolition squad removes Jap mines." [1945]
US soldiers posing at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia, 1945
Photograph. Sergeant pinching the cheek of Sergeant Ronello Brown. Personal caption on reverse: "Camp Patrick Henry, Va...
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