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American and British officers viewing Da Vinci's masterpiece 'The Last Supper', Italy, 1945
Photograph. American and British officers viewing Da Vinci's masterpiece 'The Last Supper', undamaged by the war....
U.S. soldier examining bolt of stolen silk at Darendsberg Castle, Merano, Italy, 1945
Photograph. U.S. Second Lieutenant Philip Kovacs examining silk stolen by the Germans and stored at Darendsberg Castle...
A smiling Marine poses for a photograph, Hawaii, March 1946
Photograph. A smiling Marine squats on the ground in front of a military base building. Personal caption on photo...
Uniformed Marine squats outside with a dog, Hawaii, May 1946
Photograph. Uniformed Marine squats on the grass outside in front of a shrub with a dog, Pablo. Personal caption on...
United States sailor Frankie Ferrini in gun turret on PT-305 near Mediterranean coast
Photograph. Shirtless United States sailor standing in gun turret on PT-305; other sailors visible nearby. "Frankie" is...
Cpl. Clinton Dobson posing in his military uniform
Photograph. Corporal Clinton Dobson posing in his United States Army Air Force uniform in front of a house; he has two...
Rice field farmers, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Two Filipino men plowing a rice field using a water buffalo-drawn plow. Manila, Philippines. 1945
Community of thatched-roof buildings, PTO
Photograph. Typical Pacific Island beachfront community with thatched roof and grass huts. One large tree in center....
Lt. Col. Carroll Grinnell overseeing the construction of caskets, Chicago, 1947
Photograph. Lieutenant Colonel Carroll Grinnell observing a team of male and female workers assemble caskets on a...
Rows of Allied servicemen seated outdoors, Pacific Theater
Photograph. Large crowd of Allied servicemen seated outdoors, their backs to the camera; coconut palm trees in the...
Paratrooper Trainees Performing Log exercises at TPS, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1944
Photograph. Paratrooper trainees performing log exercises at TPS, Fort Benning, Georgia in 1944. The group performing...
Luftwaffe privates and Black French civilians in front of chocolate shop, Germany, 1942
Photograph. Luftwaffe privates and Black (of African descent) French civilians in front of chocolate shop. Translation...
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