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Mules are being prepared for surgery or cared for after surgery in this image at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 31 March 1944
1970. '3-31-44. Freeney. Picket line in the Surgical Ward of the 30th Vet. Gen. Hospital at HLMR. Animals are being...
Aerial view looking down onto the Coliseum in Rome, Italy in 1944 or 1945
View looking down into the Coliseum in Rome, notice the groups of soldiers touring the site as well. Probably during a...
Two Army officers of the 7th Infantry Division discuss plans of the Marshall Islands aboard the USS Zeilin in January 1944
Two Army officers of the 7th Infantry Division discuss plans of the Marshall Islands on a raised-relief map/terrain...
A 71st Division liaison pilot makes a pick-up of map overlays and enemy situation information at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 28 March 1944
1942. '3-28-44. Johnson. Capt. C. C. Bohannan, C. O. of the 609th F.A., 71st L. Div. Liaison air field, drops a message...
Major posing with mortars at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1501. '12 July 44. Milgrom. Comparison of 60 and 81 mm mortars and projectile with Major Cullis in charge of problem...
Football game at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 September 1944
1654. '12 Sept 44. Bradlor. Leo Krupa, end, 3rd Inf football team. 168-L-44-2903.' Army Signal Corps photograph...
Wreckage lines a Japanese airstrip at Puluwat in this picture made from the Navy Liberator piloted by Commander Norman M. 'Bus' Miller on 9 June 1944
404.Photograph. 'File No: 46573 September 21, 1944 Saga of Bus Miller--- Wreckage lines the airstrip at Puluwat in this...
Large truck load of woody plant material, Alaska c.1943.
Large truck load of woody plant material on timber reinforced roadway with crane, probably Alaska c.1943.
The front yard of what may be a school building in Africa, 1941-43
Mass-produced photograph of the front yard of what may be a school building. See also 2012.212.355. Africa. 1941-43
Oscar L. Miles holding a baby koala in Brisbane, Australia on 25 December 1942
Oscar L. Miles holding a baby koala. "O. Landon Miles at Brisbane, Australia, Christmas 1942." Brisbane, Australia. 25...
Remains of burnt German airplanes in an open field, ETO
Photograph. Remains of burnt German airplanes in an open field. ETO. No date
Yanko Market in Manila in June 1945
Open air market under pitched roof in Manila; horses and carriages, kalesas, line the street near the market. From...
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