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Local village, PTO, 1945
Photograph. View onto Pacific Island village with thatched roof huts and local women walking around the buildings. PTO...
Chinese soldiers firing a howitzer, Burma
Negative. Three Chinese soldiers firing a howitzer in a vegetated area. Personal caption on front: "198. KUT." Burma [...
Servicemen welding a new plate onto the hull of an amphibious vehicle, Madang, Papua New Guinea, 1944
Photograph. Two welders of the 593rd United States Barge Company working on the side of a DUKW, a six-wheel-drive...
U.S. airmen having a snowball fight in Europe
Photograph. Two U.S. airmen, including First Lieutenant Robert C. Galloway, having snowball fight; snow-covered Quonset...
USAAF Officer and Civilian on the Buddy Tower at TPS, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1944
Photograph. An officer and civilian are sitting in chair attached to a parachute, called the buddy tower. Two enlisted...
Civilians on street pulling carts loaded with belongings, Belgium
Photograph. Belgian civilians on street pulling carts loaded with belongings after Allied bombings; damaged buildings...
German prisoner of war holding reigns of two captured German horses in Verona, Italy in 1944 or 1945
Slide. German prisoner of war holding reigns of two captured German horses. Hans and Ger. cavalry horses, Verona....
Lyn, Boylhart's girlfriend, posing amongst desert landscape in California in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Lyn, Boylharts girlfriend, posing amongst desert landscape. Lyn on desert. Probably California, United States...
44th Infantry Division advancing through a forest, France, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldiers from the 44th Infantry Division advancing past a dead German soldier in a...
German warplanes bombing a US naval convoy off the coast of Gela, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. German warplanes bombing a United States naval convoy near a coastline. Official caption on front: "Bombs...
US Marines walking down muddy road, New Britain, 1943
Photograph. Three United States Marines walking down muddy road in next to a jungle; two other Marines are standing on...
US Army and Navy officers conferring on a Rhine riverbank, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Three United States Army and Navy officers having a conversation on a bank along the Rhine; landing craft...
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