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View of mountainous landscape in Washington State, September 1941
View of mountainous landscape. "This looks like 'chow spot' Wed[nesday] noon." "Air Base Photographic Laboratory...
US soldier with civilians on a country road in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. US soldier with civilians on country road.
United States servicemen and Ishma, the mascot of the 434th Bomb Squadron, North Africa 1942-43
Two United States servicemen, one wearing a leather flight jacket, posing with a dog, perhaps "Ishma", the probable...
Two US Marines shooting from foxhole behind crashed airplane pieces on Iwo Jima in February 1945
Two US Marines shooting from foxhole behind crashed airplane pieces. Official caption:'"Firing at Jap [Japanese]...
Portrait of three Papua New Guinea natives in 1944
Portrait of three Papua New Guinea natives. "Three visitors to camp, McNulty, McGinnis and O'Houlihan. The natives, on...
Bodies of dead children at Buchenwald concentration camp, Weimar, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. Bodies of dead children, including a small baby girl laid out on the ground inside Buchenwald concentration...
War damaged buildings in postwar Germany.
Photograph. War damaged buildings in postwar Germany..
Sergeant testing a radio at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1401. '11 July 44. Austin. Sgt. W. Woodall, T.P.S. communications Div., Fort Benning, Ga. [Georgia], of Hot Springs Ark...
Aerial view of unidentified Japanese town in late 1945
Aerial view of unidentified Japanese town below. Japan. Late 1945
Artillery crew getting into position during training in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1101. '3-30-44. Von Stroheim 905th Field Art. Moved 1 Battery on top of hill to use direct fire on pillboxes. One crew...
Men practice safety swimming in oil burning on top of water at Fort Benning, Georgia on 14 July 1944
1509. '14 July 44. Bradlor. Men from the safety swimming class at Russ Pool Ft. Benning, Georgia, jumping into burning...
Mobile Electric Repair Shop of the 973rd Engineer Maintenance Company at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 28 March 1944
1965. '3-28-44. Freeney. Tec/3 Carrell H. Wissing of the 973rd Engineers Maintenance Co of the 1139th Engineers Combat...
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