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Photograph of a German propaganda leaflet dropped on men during combat in Italy reading 'The Girl You Left Behind... Today she is pulling down 60 bucks...' circa 1944.
60.Photograph. Photograph of a German propaganda leaflet with image a business man chariature stuffing money in the...
City of and countryside surrounding San Benedetto, Italy on 3 November 1944
397.Photograph. City of and countryside surrounding San Benedetto, Italy. '3 Nov 44. 5/MM-44-6524. Fifth Army, San...
An electric pole with insulators and 18 wires in Italy in the 1940s
560.Photograph. Electric pole with insulators and 18 wires. Italy. 1944-45
Soldiers of the 40th Infantry Division watch as a dump truck pours large rocks over a makeshift road at New Britain in September 1944
Soldiers of the 40th Infantry Division watch as a dump truck pours large rocks over a makeshift road. "Road building by...
Ammo carriers crossing a bamboo footbridge south of Appari, Luzon in the Philippines on 27 June 1945
Ammo carriers crossing a bamboo footbridge south of Appari, Luzon in the Philippines on 27 June 1945
Montage of 106th Reconnaissance Squadron (Bombardment) flight crews of B-25 Mitchell bombers
Montage of 106th Reconnaissance Squadron (Bombardment) flight crews of B-25 Mitchell bombers. '"106th Reconn. Bomb....
Officer's Club in Italy during World War II
"Officers at Club" in Italy, 194-.
Civilians walking through city street in Ansbach, Germany in 1945
Civilians walking through city street in Ansbach, Germany in 1945. "Part of main street, Ansbach, Germany."
A water buffalo in a stream on Guam, 1944-45
Water buffalo in a stream. "Water buffalo - Guam." Guam. 1944-45
Falling bombs over North Africa in 1942
View of six bombs being released from a bomb bay looking down in flight over North Africa in 1942.
Pyramid-shaped tent with serviceman standing near the entrance, North Africa (probably), 1942-43
Pyramid-shaped tent with serviceman standing in the opening next to a makeshift sink. North Africa (probably). 1942-43
United States servicemen, India (probably), 1944-45
Group photo of unidentified United States servicemen outside thatch-roofed hut. India (probably). 1944-45
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