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Unit photo of 601st Bombardment Squadron members on and in front of a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber, England
Photograph, unit. 601st Bombardment Squadron members standing and sitting on and in front of a B-17 Flying Fortress...
German soldier digs foxhole, France, June 1944
Photograph. German soldier digging foxhole next to mile marker for Caen, 15 kilometers away. Translated German caption...
Lyn posing with a Jeep of the same name and a 248th AAA Searchlight Battalion flag in California
Slide. Civilian woman posing with 248th AAA Searchlight Bn flag, near US Army jeep. From box originally labeled "Army...
The shore of Lake Garda, Italy
Slide. Landscape. "Shore of Lake Garda, Italy." From box originally labeled "No. [Northern] Italy - Cassino - Pompeii...
Wounded servicemen being brought aboard a transport ship off the coast of Sicily, Italy, 1943
Photograph. Wounded United States servicemen being hoisted onto the deck of transport ship. Official caption on front...
US Army soldiers taking cover behind a tank, Nuremberg
Photograph. United States Army soldiers taking cover from German fire behind a tank in a city street. Official caption...
96th Infantry Division soldiers climbing over a sea wall, Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. 96th Infantry Division soldiers climbing over a sea wall after debarking a LVT [Landing Vehicle, Tracked]....
Japanese tanker being strafed and bombed by a US Navy aircraft, Taiwan
Photograph, aerial. Japanese tanker being strafed and bombed by a United States Navy aircraft. Official caption on...
Two LSTs side-by-side in a harbor, Mediterranean Sea, 1944
Photograph. Two LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) anchored side-by-side in a harbor; LST on the right is moored to pier....
Burning Japanese ship off the coast of an island, Pacific Ocean
Photograph, aerial. Column of smoke rising from a burning Japanese transport ship; bomb explosions are going off in the...
US servicemen gathering on a beach, Southern France, 1944
Photograph. United States servicemen and vehicles gathering on a beach during an amphibious invasion. Official caption...
Photograph. Several service men and a young Chinese boy examining mules outside of a corral; one serviceman is looking...
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