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U.S. soldiers in front of war damaged buildings in postwar Germany.
U.S. soldiers in front of war damaged buildings in postwar Germany.
Mine shown at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1395. '11 July 44. Hussey. M6 anti-tank mine showing fuse and activator taken out with removal of plug. Body of mine...
Aerial view of fire-bombed Japanese town in late 1945
Aerial view of Japanese fire-bombed town below. "Canal through scorched town." Late 1945
Anti-aircraft artillery on way to forward positions in maneuvers in Morro Bay, California on 27 March 1944
1096. '3-27-44. Preciado. 81st Div. A.A.A. Co. driving by HQ Co. 323 81st Div., on way to forward positions in...
Officer sitting at desk at the Infantry School Building, Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1437. '12 July 44. Von Stroheim. Lt. Colonel Ernest Welch, Ass't Exec. Officer of T.I.S. sitting at his desk at the...
Soldier of the Operating and Clearing Section of the 30th Veterinary General Hospital at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 28 March 1944
1960. '3-28-44. Freeney. Capt. Vincent Y. Druley, Asst. chief of Operating and Clearing Section of the 30th Veterinary...
Nose art on B-25 Mitchell bomber in Europe between 1943 to 1945
Nose art on B-25 Mitchell bomber; naked woman riding torpedo; Lt. Ramsay, plane commander; Sgt. Vaught, crew chief. ETO...
A general view of a loaded train of the 772nd Tank Battalion at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 20 September 1944
A general view of a loaded train of the 772nd Tank Battalion at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 20 September 1944. "20 Sept...
A 75mm pack howitzer of Battery C, 609th Field Artillery during mountain maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1851. '3-24-44. J. P. Johnson. 75mm pack how. Of Battery C, 609th Field Artillery, 71st L. Div. during mountain...
A dirt road in a mountainous landscape in Africa, 1941-43
Mass-produced photograph of a dirt road in a mountainous landscape. Africa. 1941-43
Officers at their desks at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 September 1944
1643. 'Paik. Capt. John D. Mank, supply officer and Sgt Roy T. Jacobson, Clerk in S-4, S/Sgt William A. Gross all of...
Astern of the geyser is the wake left by the German U-Boat as it maneuvered in vain attempt to dodge the explosives in April 1944
427. Photograph. 'File No: 209591 April 25, 1944 Navy planes sink U-Boat in two minutes! The enemy vessel is entirely...
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