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Four men pose in front of a C-47
Photograph. Four men wearing life vests over their uniforms squat in front of a C-47. Personal caption on photo reverse...
Civilians and infantrymen destroying German weapons, Austria, 1945
Photograph. German civilians and infantrymen of the 3rd Infantry Division destroying Axis weapons in a street. Official...
Soldiers stand at attention on a parade ground. Aleutian Islands
Photograph. Soldiers stand at attention on a parade ground. Other soldiers are visible standing in the background....
American servicemen exiting a landing craft, Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
Photograph. American servicemen preparing to exit a pontoon boat. Caption on reverse: "3280. From: Public Relations...
Art Deco-style movie theatre, Tel Aviv
Photograph. Souvenir. Art Deco-style movie theatre with signage in Hebrew. Official caption: "7. Moghrabi Theatre. (...
Railroad bridge, ETO
Photograph. Construction of a railroad bridge as seen from one shore. Location and date unknown, no caption.
American bridge under construction, ETO
Photograph. Photo of an under-construction bridge across an unknown river. Location unknown, no caption provided. No...
Servicemen posing in front of a tent
Photograph. Technician Fourth Grade Harry Volz [left] posing with two other servicemen at the entrance of an elevated...
Sailors in a park, Hawaii
Photograph. Two American sailors standing on a dirt path in a park, one is smoking a pipe. Hammond Photo Service...
Michael Walz sitting in a highchair, 1944
Photograph. The toddler Michael Walz sitting in a highchair in a backyard. Personal caption on reverse: "Sept 1944."...
Servicemen on a ship deck
Photograph. Group of servicemen sitting on equipment on the deck of the SS Jonathan Grout. Atlantic Ocean. No date
Soldiers on a terrace, France, May 1945
Photograph. Six soldiers lean over a white balustrade on a terrace. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Marty, I and...
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