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Group portrait of the 94th Bombardment Squadron at McChord Air Force Base near Lakewood, Washington on 21 January 1942
Group portrait of the 94th Bombardment Squadron. "612, 20-22L - Mc C.F.W.) (1-21-42) 94th Bomb Sqdn. [Squadron], 12th...
Large residential building used as headquarters for the 9th Army in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. Large residential building, used as headquarters for the 9th Army in Germany.
Portrait photograph of Technical Sergeant Olhey, location unknown, 1941-45
Portrait photograph of Technical Sergeant "Olhey". "Olhey."'Location unknown. 1941-45
Damaged USS California (BB-44) after attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941
Damaged USS California (BB-44). Official caption: "USS California (BB-44). US Navy Photo 100-14." From U.S. Navy Photos...
Nurses in the United States in the early 1940s
141.Photograph. U.S. Army nurses in uniform outside train cars, one holding small camera. United States. 194-
Hamilton Neal posing next to anti-Nazi posters, Buchenwald, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. Neal posing next to anti-Nazi posters with images of skulls and broken swastikas, sign in German above...
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag situated at the end of Unter den Linden, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
Detail of bridge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1392. '11 July 44. Farrand. General view of arch type bridge over Uchee Creek, Alabama Area, Fort Benning, Georgia. 168...
Hospital ship in the Pacific Ocean in late 1945
Aerial view of hospital ship in the Pacific Ocean, probably near Japan; red cross clearly visible on deck of ship. "...
US soldier taking down message in Morro Bay, California on 27 March 1944
1093. '3-27-44. Preciado. Sgt. Thomas Halyburton from C.P. from HQ. Reg. 323rd 81st Div. in radio command Jeep, taking...
Bayonet assault course at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1428. '11 July 44. Kilian. Four men using long thrust of Bayonet at swinging dummies. Bayonet assault course, Norton...
Pump and heating tank in operation at the bath tent operated by the 861st Fumigation and Bath Company at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 27 March 1944
1957. '3-27-44. Freeney. Interior of tent where barracks bags, field packs, rifles and other personal property of...
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