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US Army soldiers examining a Japanese dugout, Marshall Islands, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldiers carefully examining a bombed out Japanese dugout. Official caption on front: "...
US Army paratroopers attacking a Japanese pill box, Corregidor Island, 1945
Photograph. United States Army paratroopers using mortar to force Japanese soldiers from pill box. Official caption on...
Photograph. Corporal Hiram Boone in HBTs with one foot on the front bumper of a military ambulance. Personal caption on...
Equipment is unloaded on Normandy beaches in June 1944
Equipment is unloaded on Normandy beaches. "ETO-HQ-44-5083-32. Lt. Steck. 13 June. Signal corps photo. This graphic...
An unidentified US serviceman with a native man on New Caledonia in November 1942
An unidentified US serviceman with a native man on New Caledonia in November 1942.
Owner of a hotel in St. Moritz, Switzerland circa 1945
Elegantly dressed gentleman. "Owner of the Palace Hotel in St. Moritz, Switzerland." St. Moritz, Switzerland. Circa 1945
Civilian life scenes at Calasio, Pangasinan in the Philippines in January 1945
"Civilian life scenes at Calasio, Pangasinan." January 1945
Corpses of Buchenwald concentration camp prisoners, Weimar, 1945
Photograph. Emaciated corpses of Buchenwald concentration camp prisoners; wreaths are hanging in the background....
US mountain troops make camp on a rocky cliffside, Italy, 1943
Photograph. US mountain troops make camp on a rocky cliffside. Official caption on front: "MM-5-150886"; Sig Corps...
War damage in Cassino, Italy, 1944
Photograph. War damage. Official caption on reverse: "Signal Corps Photo Radioed 21 May 1944 / Sig C Photo-Cassino area...
US glider pilots relax at a bar, France, 1944
Photograph. US glider pilots relax at a bar. Official caption on photo front: "7/MM-44-2114." Official caption on...
Hercules and Diomedes Statue on display in the Palazzo Vecchio on 30 August 1944.
43.Photograph. Hercules and Diomedes Statue on display in the Palazzo Vecchio. '30 Aug 44. CG-1756. Fifth Army,...
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