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Lowering the motorboat of the USS Rutland in 1945
Lowering the motorboat of the USS Rutland into the ocean using cranes. From donor's notes: "Lowering the gig." 1945
US Marines read a news bulletin posted to a palm tree on Tarawa, 1943-44
US Marines reading the "Tarawa Times", a news bulletin which is posted to a palm tree. A sign reads: "Tarawa Times....
Two people posing for picture at the Schönburg Castle in Oberwesel, Germany in 1946
Two people posing in the distance; probably at the Schönburg Castle in Oberwesel. "Bob Ryan and Alice, Oberwesel Castle...
Casino building behind the main IG Farben Building, headquarters for the United States Forces European Theater, in Frankfurt, Germany in late 1945
Casino building behind the main IG Farben Building, headquarters for the United States Forces European Theater. "USFET...
Airman shaving outdoors, Saipan, 1945
Slide. Airman shaving at an outdoor station; Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. 1945
A soldier digs out a hole in preparation for a telephone cable Engelsdorf, Germany on 5 December 1944
A soldier digs out a hole in preparation for a telephone cable. Note that the location has been stricken in the caption...
Unidentified boat dry docked next to Quonset huts in England, circa 1944
Unidentified boat dry docked next to Quonset huts. Personal Caption: "RON 35 England." England. Circa 1944
Marines traverse a beach. New Georgia Islands. Circa 1943
Photograph. Marines traverse a beach. Tall palms and thatched-roof buildings on the beach. New Georgia Islands. Circa...
Grassy fields
Photograph, landscape. Grassy fields with borders of trees. A dense forest is in the background. Location unknown. No...
Workstations at an airplane factory in Ohio (probably) circa 1942-1945
View from above of workstations at an airplane factory. Ohio (probably). Circa 1942-1945
A US soldier holds one of the famed Python bivittatus or Burmese pythons in Burma in 1944
Photograph. A US soldier holds one of the famed Python bivittatus or Burmese pythons in Burma in 1944.
Eight US air crewmen lined up outside Quonset hut, Thurleigh Airfield
Photograph. Eight US air crewmen lined up outside Quonset hut at Thurleigh Airfield. Near Bedford, England. 1943-45
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