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Topless women, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Topless women, probably from the Philippines. PTO. [1945]
156th Infantry Band marching in a parade, London, June 1944
Photograph. 156th Infantry Band marching down the street at the "Salute the Soldier Week" Parade. Crowds of onlookers...
Elmer Porris posing for a photograph, 1943
Photograph. Elmer Porris comically posing in a trench coat on a plank walkway next to a military building. “683”...
Japanese corpses in the Mariana Islands during World War II
Photograph. Remains of Japanese soldiers piled into a shallow crater. Location unknown. No date
United States B-17 Flying Fortresses in flight, Europe
Photograph. United States B-17 Flying Fortress bombers in flight, probably the 601st Bombardment Squadron over the...
Two Luftwaffe pilots in flight gear studying map, January 1942
Photograph. Two Luftwaffe pilots in flight gear studying map. Translated German caption on photo reverse: "Navigation...
A circus ticket hacker selling side show tickets in Los Angeles, California in 1943 or 1944
Slide. Circus ticket hacker selling side show tickets for 25 cents. Circus in L.A. Los Angeles, California. 1943-44
View looking down onto a valley from a funicular in Braunwald, Switzerland in 1944 or 1945
Slide. View looking down onto a valley from a funicular, or an inclined cliff railway traveling up a Swiss mountainside...
45th Infantry Division troops leaving captured Caltanissetta, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. 45th Infantry Division troops marching down a street as they leave captured Caltanissetta. Official caption...
77th Infantry Division tank destroyer firing at Japanese forces, Shuri, 1945
Photograph. 77th Infantry Division M18 Hellcat tank destroyer firing at Japanese forces. Official caption on front: "...
Gen. MacArthur and US Army soldiers during a flag raising ceremony, Corregidor Island, 1945
Photograph. United States Army General Douglas MacArthur [bottom right with back to camera], military officers, and...
Smoke rising from aerial bombardment of Yap, 1944
Photograph, aerial. Smoke rising from an American aerial bombardment. Official caption on front: "Navy bombers blast...
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