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US and British generals at a meeting in San Marco, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US and British generals stand outside before a conference. Official caption on reverse: "25 April 1944 C.G...
US paratroopers march along the roadway, Southern France, 1944
Photograph. US paratroopers march along the roadway. Official caption on front: "7/MM-44-2076-12." Official caption on...
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stands before microphones ready to give a speech in Italy, circa 1944-1945.
Photograph. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill wearing khaki and pith helmet stands before microphones ready to...
Group portrait of members of an Italian vaudeville show in Italy in December 1944
381.Photograph. Group portrait of members of an Italian vaudeville show. '7 Dec. 1944. 5/MM-44-31091. Fifth Army,...
Mr. Van Lear Woodward, Vice President of the U.S. Commercial Company, during his visit to a Fifth Army command post in Italy in December 1944
544.Photograph. '7 Dec. 1944. 5/MM-44-31037. Fifth Army, Fifth Army Command Post Area, Italy. Mr. Van Lear Woodward, U...
Several women of Utapua pose for a photo in front of a thatched hut at Utapua, Banks Islands in the 1940s
Several native woman of Utapua, one pregnant and two with small children in papooses pose for a photo in front of a...
Company D, 1st Battalion, 158 RCT GIs fire on a sniper at Lingayen Gulf in the Philippines on 14 January 1945
"Co. D 1st Bn 158 RCT G.I.s fire on sniper." 14 January 1945
Company street on Sterling Island in 1944
"Company street. Sterling Island 1944."' Sterling Island, Treasury Islands, Solomon Islands. 1944
An American soldier smiling for the camera, location unknown, during World War II
An American officer holding a cigarette and smiling for the camera. Location unknown. 194-
View of plowed farmlands in the French countryside in 1945
View of plowed farmlands in the French countryside in 1945.
US servicmen on the beach on Guam, 1944-45
Two unidentified US servicemen walking along a Pacific beach after swimming. "Guam." Guam. 1944-45
President Roosevelt, General Arnold, and General Eisenhower in Castelvetrano, Sicily, 8 December 1943
President Franklin D. Roosevelt talking to General Henry H. "Hap" Arnold, Chief of the Army Air Forces, during the...
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