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US Army soldiers taking cover behind a hedge near Lessay, France, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldiers firing rifles from behind a tall hedge. Official caption on front: "Tense...
US Marines manning a Howitzer, New Georgia Islands, 1943
Photograph. United States Marines manning a large Howitzer pointed at a jungle; artillery shells are in the foreground...
Rail bridge destroyed by American bombers, Ora, 1944
Photograph, aerial. Large column of smoke rising from a destroyed rail bridge. Official caption on front: "Precision...
Remains of East Berlin, Germany, 1945
Slide. Civilians walking on a sidewalk in front of bombed-out buildings; a large sign in Russian is propped against one...
Cpl. Hiram Boone posing for a photograph, Burma, 1945
Photograph. Corporal Hiram Boone standing in front of Army tents in fatigues and a rifle slung on his shoulder....
Monthly Production Goals, Packard Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan
Photograph. Photograph of monthly production goals, Packard Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan. This image shows...
Photograph. United States Army camp in set up in grassy fields with short hedgerow borders; bulk of tent tops are made...
American soldiers follow a tank down a road in France in August 1944
American soldiers follow a tank down a road; one of the soldiers has a bazooka slung over his back. "ETO-HQ-44-12583....
Unidentified US servicemen on a cargo truck in the Pacific in the 1940s
Unidentified US servicemen on a cargo truck in the Pacific in the 1940s.
A ski lift in Davos, Switzerland circa 1945
A "ski lift in Davos, Switzerland." Davos, Switzerland. Circa 1945
Civilian life scenes at Calasio, Pangasinan in the Philippines in January 1945
"Civilian life scenes at Calasio, Pangasinan." January 1945
Liberated prisoners in Buchenwald concentration camp, Weimar, 1945
Photograph. Seven liberated male prisoners posing next to a transportation truck. "21. Group of inmates. Kind of hard...
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