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A group of trucks and soldiers in a desert, Mediterranean Theater, 1942-44
In a desert, a group of trucks in a convoy that has an Army Dodge T-110L 3-ton truck and an Army Ford truck, both of...
United States serviceman "Steve" grooming, India (probably), 1944-45
United States serviceman in underwear; possibly preparing to shave or doing laundry. "Steve." India (probably). 1944-45
United States servicemen at makeshift campsite in North Africa, 1942-43
United States servicemen at makeshift campsite in desert. "Gp personal photo." North Africa. 1942-43
View of the Cologne Cathedral and the bomb damage surrounding it in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. View of the Cologne Cathedral in the distance, bomb damage surrounding it.
United States servicemen Sang, Hogan, Falkner, and Ike outside of military tents, North Africa (probably), 1942-43
Four United States servicemen outside of military tents. "Sang - Hogan - Falkner - Ike."'North Africa (probably). 1942-...
Naval air station after attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941
Stunned sailors view airfield on fire. Official caption: "Naval air station afire. US Navy Photo 100-4." From U.S....
Nurses during Army training in the early 1940s
133.Photograph. Unidentified U.S. Army nurses in helmets, during basic training. Fort Meade, Baltimore, Maryland. 194-
Hamilton Neal walking away from entrance to concentration camp, Buchenwald Prison, May 1945
Photograph. Neal walking away from entrance to Buchenwald concentration camp. Personal caption on photo reverse: "This...
The Soviet War Memorial at Groer Tiergarten, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Soviet War Memorial at Groer Tiergarten, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
Mine with fuses shown at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1379. '11 July 44. Hussey. M6 mine with fuses and activators, 400 lbs. pressure is required to activate the mine which...
View of Tinian in late 1945
View of Tinian in late 1945, possibly an aerial view of the American military base
Opposing teams communicate with umpires through this board at Morro Bay, California on 27 March 1944
1077. '3-27-44. Hussey. B-D-72 with capacity of 12 lines. Pvt. E. Ehlers recording services rendered in daily log while...
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