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Truck crews gather around a truck that is part of a convoy on a desert road, North Africa (probably), 1942-43
Convoy of four 2- ton trucks that has stopped on a dirt road in the desert. The crews of the trucks are gathered around...
United States servicemen, India (probably), 1944-45
Eight unidentified United States servicemen posing for picture outside thatch-roofed hut. India (probably). 1944-45
American truck convoy in the Western Desert of North Africa in 1943
American truck convoy in a desert. "Horace Greely 'Go west, young man.' 12th G[rou]p convoy, Western Desert, Africa [19...
US soldier beside a German tank in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. US soldier beside broken German Sturmmorser Tiger or Sturmtiger tank with late...
Serviceman Vern C. Duba near a thatch-roofed structure, China-Burma-India Theater, 1944-45
United States serviceman, in shorts, near a thatch-roofed hut. "Vern C. Duba." China-Burma-India Theater. 1944-45
USS Nevada (BB-36) moving out of Pearl Harbor after attack in December 1941
USS Nevada (BB-36) moving out of Pearl Harbor after attack. Official caption: "USS Nevada pulls away from burning...
Nurse during Army training in Maryland in the early 1940s
132.Photograph. Unidentified U.S. Army nurse in helmet, during basic training. Fort Meade, Baltimore, Maryland. 194-
Young concentration camp prisoner displaying branded identification number, Buchenwald, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. Young concentration camp prisoner displaying branded camp identification number [not visible in photograph...
The Soviet War Memorial at Groer Tiergarten, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
The Soviet War Memorial at Groer Tiergarten, in postwar Berlin, Germany.
View of headquarters building at Fort Benning, Georgia on 10 July 1944
1374. '10 July 44. D. Wallis. Panoramic view of the 4th Hq. Sp. Trps., 2nd Army, at Fort Benning, Ga. 168-L-44-1714.'...
U.S. servicemen on Tinian in late 1945
Unidentified U.S. servicemen, one wearing sunglsses, in uniform standing in front of a metal shack onTinian in late 1945
Soldiers coordinate ideas toward drafting of map overlays at Morro Bay, California on March 1944
1076. [Missing date and name of photographer and all but the word 'attached' of the first line of narrative.] '81st div...
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