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American officers talking to a Japanese delegation on a tarmac, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Five American officers standing at attention in front of a Japanese delegation standing under the wing of a...
US Marine points flame thrower at bodies of dead Japanese soldiers, PTO, 1945
Photograph. US Marine points flame thrower at bodies of dead Japanese soldiers near bombed out Japanese pillbox. PTO. [...
The 156th Infantry marching band performs outdoors at a military camp
Photograph. The 156th Infantry marching band, standing in formation, performs outdoors at a military camp. Unknown...
423rd Engineer Company unit photograph, Camp Claiborne, 1942
Photograph, panoramic. Three rows of African American soldiers standing and sitting outside; four Caucasian officers...
Burning oil wells near Seria, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Thick black smoke rising from burning oil wells fired by retreating Japanese troops. Notice the burning...
USAAF First Lieutenant Robert C. Galloway sitting on bicycle in Europe, 1944-45
Photograph. Uniformed USAAF (United States Army Air Forces) First Lieutenant Robert C. Galloway sitting on bicycle for...
Columns in cloisters, ETO
Photograph. View of columns in cloisters, no caption or date. Probably Southern France. 1940-44
A German helmet and mine marker in a field in Italy in 1944 or 1945
Slide. German helmet and mine marker in wheat field. From box originally labeled "No. [Northern] Italy - Cassino -...
US sailors firing antiaircraft guns at Japanese planes near the Green Islands, New Guinea, 1944
Photograph. United States Navy sailors firing antiaircraft guns from the deck of a warship. Official caption on front...
US Marine stringing up telecommunication wire, Saipan, 1944
Photograph. United States Marine stringing up telecommunication wire on a pole in a war-damaged village. Official...
US Army soldiers entering a house on holding German snipers, Percy, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldiers standing on a debris-covered sidewalk in front of a house with rifles at the...
US Marines receiving first aid from another Marine, Saipan, 1944
Photograph. United States Marine receiving first aid from another Marine. Official caption on front: "Blood plasma and...
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